Helpful Links to Law Enforcement, Justice, Courts and Other Useful Sites
Below is a list of helpful links. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us today and we’ll be happy to help you.
Borough Information:
Yardley Borough Code of Ordinances
You can access Yardley Borough's complete Code of Ordinances through the searchable online index below. This will open a separate website (make sure to select "Yardley Borough" under the municipality drop-down menu).
Yardley Borough Webpage
Yardley Makefield Fire Company
Yardley Makefield Fire Company
Yardley Makefield Emergency Unit
Yardley Makefield Emergency Unit
Delaware River level Information – Trenton Gauging Station
NOTE: Forecasts for the Delaware River at Trenton are issued routinely year-round.
Bucks County Community Alert System (ReadyNotifyPA)
Bucks BLUE
Hosted by Yardley Borough Police Chief Joseph Kelly III highlighting community policing.
Local Court Information:
Magisterial District Judge (07-1-11)
Hon. Corryn L. Kronnagel, Judge
31 E. Cleveland Ave.
Morrisville, PA 19067
District Courts of Bucks County
About District Court
Magisterial District Court 07-1-11 has assigned jurisdiction for matters involving criminal cases, civil cases and traffic violations occurring within the confines of Yardley Borough, PA.
Bucks County Court of Common Pleas
Hon. Wallace H. Bateman, President Judge
Bucks County Justice Center
100 North Main Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Bucks County Court of Common Pleas
About the Court of Common Pleas:
Common Pleas Courts have original jurisdiction over all cases not exclusively assigned to another court and appellate jurisdiction over judgments from the special courts (also referred to as minor courts, presided over by Magisterial District Judges). They also hear appeals from certain state and most local government agencies.
The Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County, a class 2A county, is the 7th Judicial District of Pennsylvania. First established in 1683, this Court hears all Criminal, Civil, Family, and Orphan's (Probate) matters. The Court is located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. It supervises all Adult Probation, Juvenile Probation (including the Bucks County Youth Center), and Domestic Relations services, the Law Library, and provides administrative services for the court magisterial district court system. These courts serve as the issuing authority in all felony and misdemeanor cases and hear all traffic and summary cases. They also have concurrent jurisdiction in civil cases where the amount in controversy is less than $12,000.
Partner Law Enforcement Agencies:
Pennsylvania State Police
Pennsylvania State Police Department Headquarters (non-emergency)
(Business Hours 7:00 am – 4:30 pm)
(717) 783-5599
1800 Elmerton Ave.
Harrisburg, Pa 17110
Pennsylvania State Police
About PA State Police
Useful information regarding Pa State Laws and useful information located under the “How To” section. Citizens can access information regarding how to perform a background check, access the Megan’s Law section, Crime Reporting and many other valuable tools.
Bucks County District Attorney’s Office
55 East Court Street
Doylestown, PA 18901-4318
(215) 348-6344
Bucks County District Attorney's Office
About the District Attorney’s Office
The Bucks County District Attorney's Office is comprised of attorneys, county detectives and support personnel. The DA's Office works closely with local, state and federal law enforcement to ensure the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are upheld and that our citizens are protected. The office is dedicated to seeking justice by helping victims of crimes, prosecuting those engaged in criminal activity and protecting law abiding citizens of Bucks County.
Bucks County Adult Probation & Parole
Probation and Parole is charged by the Court of Common Pleas with the responsibility of providing effective community-based alternatives to incarceration, improving public safety, partnering with community and law enforcement resources and promoting positive behavioral change from offenders.
Bucks County Juvenile Probation
The Bucks County Juvenile Court functions as both a judicial and an administrative agency primarily with respect to children under age 18, who are charged with juvenile delinquency for violating the criminal law.
Bucks County Sheriffs Office (and Weapons Permits)
The BCSO is responsible for the safety and security of the County Criminal Justice Center (courthouse). Deputies serve all civil orders and warrants, transport prisoners, enforce court orders, custody and child support orders, issue gun permits, court ordered confiscation of weapons, conduct sheriff sales of property, provide K9 services, and assist local law enforcement whenever requested.
Pennsylvania “See Something or Say Something”
See Something Send Something is the preeminent nationwide suspicious activity reporting (SAR) tool for citizens to help in the fight against terrorism. See Something Send Something has information to educate you on what to look for and when to submit suspicious activity reports along with how to receive important alerts. The SAR tool connects you to a nationwide network of Intelligence Centers by routing tips to the correct center for analysis.
Lower Makefield Township Police Department
SEPTA Police Department
DCNR Rangers
Federal Law Enforcement:
FBI Internet Crime Control Center
The FBI's IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the actual victim or from a third party to the complainant. We can best process your complaint if we receive accurate and complete information from you.
Federal Trade Commission: (Fraud Reporting)
FTC accepts reports online to prevent business practices that are anticompetitive or deceptive or unfair to consumers; to enhance informed consumer choice and public understanding of the competitive process; and to accomplish this without unduly burdening legitimate business activity.